Friday, February 20, 2009

How Many Roosters?

Many people come to the KOA park and stay for a month or more. Some of the long termers express themselves by decorating the outsides of their campers. So, I often see plastic flamingos, wire parrots, buoys, blowup palm trees, and strings of lights on the ground that outline and identify the camper's territory. I'm beginning to think there's some kind of unspoken competition to see who can have the tackiest and most novel outside decor.
When I was walking one of the dogs yesterday, I saw something new. There is was: a corral of paper mache roosters with feathers glued all over them. In the background on the right is a single hen with three eggs.
There are quite a few live roosters that live in the lower keys, including the KOA campground, and I was fooled at first. This is my idea of great campground decoration.
I don't know if I could top this one!


  1. i thought this picture seem like a game that held on hiding location..coz in my country, the cops can catch and sue you at court...that mean this game are illegal

  2. I don't think you understood the blog entry.
